My favorite MILF is Queen Elizabeth II.
To be honest, I’m someone who appeals to almost no one, but maybe someone out there really likes my work.

Draven @HairyoGuyghast


Artist, Reader

Brainwash Machine #51846

Grand Haven, Michigan

Joined on 4/29/21

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HairyoGuyghast's News

Posted by HairyoGuyghast - October 28th, 2022

Dihiga is an anthology. Each installment of Dihiga will have a new story to tell with different characters and a new setting. The first story will be split into 3 parts. The first part will be about this being called a Zaben whose name is Persheaon who realizes that he's part of an experiment and tries to rise up against the Ubekcos. The second part of the first story will be about the aftermath of the successful uprising against the Ubekcos by the Zabens and Zabeks, led by Persheaon. In the third part, Persheaon invades and so the Ykels have to bring their foes for good.  The second story follows Dauk Kamin and Terus Oemppi as they go on an adventure to save their own races. The Third story follows three characters as they each have to confront their society’s cruelty. 

Pershaon is one of several Zaben, controlled by the obsessively curious race of Ubekcos. Each Zaben has one companion called a Zabek. Each Zabek cleans their own domain, inside and out, and helps their own zaben partner with certain tasks. Both the Zabens and Zabeks praise the Ubekcos for creating and protecting them from harm. 

The story begins with Persheaon building a small structure out of pieces of machinery. The next time, Persheaon is awoken by his guide from his solemn sleep. Persheaon goes through several trials to show what he can do. In some of these trials, Persheaon will be assisted by his companion, Quearn. When Persheaon is done with his trials, he rests. He has done this several times before. Though in one special trial, Persheaon has to interact with something called a Trkt. Persheaon is more intelligent compared to other Zabens and Zabeks. But the other Zabens, Zabeks, and Ubekcos don’t know about his special trait.

But soon, the Persheaon’s tutor becomes aware of Persheaon’s intelligence when he sees Persheaon builds with random materials. He makes Persheaon go through trials made  exclusively for him. Persheaon must solve puzzles such as picking the correct key among hundreds of others in a very large room to open a door.  

Next, Persheaon awakes and faces new challenges in a different place. Persheaon battles a fierce beast, builds a home, and explores the many oddities of the new area. After some time, Persheaon fully adapts to his new surroundings, his appearance also changes and he creates a great structure called Uhlovlea and takes pride in his creation.

 Then, Persheaon tries to find a way to get back to Unita. While exploring, Persheaon finds a large domain, which is called [blank], where most of the Ubekcos live. Then Persheaon is captured by a group of Ubeckos. Persheaon then finds out for himself that he was part of an experiment to see how Zabens and Zabeks adeat to the different place, which is called Lun.  The Ubekcos study Persheaon’s change in appearance. Quearn and the other Zabens and Zabeks react to his return.

The Nutlems and Sybemteas are two beings that cooperate and help each other. But sometimes, some of the Nutlems and Sybemteas feel prejudice towards one another.

Amongst all this, there is a legend of some sort among both of them regarding a place known as Youghoklpintu, a place of pure peace, happiness, and prosperity. There are two tall structures. One built by Nutlems and one built by the sybemteas, each in their respected lands. The both of them unleash a stream of light that goes in the direction to Yonghoklpintu. 

After successfully revolting against the Ubekcos, The zabens and zabeks establish a civilization for themselves. Persheaon wants every Zaben and Zabek to forget about the Ubekcos because of their lies to them. 

“The Ubekcos have falsely told us that we are alike.” Perhseaon saids. 

“That we are both similar in intelligence and knowledge, but the Ubekcos had intelligence much higher than our own, to the point where they were able to lie; tell us false information. However our own strength and strategy managed to vanquish our dishonest leaders.… Let us all forget of all the Ubekcos that have caused despair and unjust falsehood among us Zabens and Zabeks.” 

Persheaon becomes the ruler of the other Zabens and Zabeks. Persheaon establishes many changes to Unita, so as to force his people to forget about the evil Ubekcos. But the rest of the Zabens and Zabeks do not like the direction of the new civilization, so they seceded to create their own. 

Persheaon worships Uhlovlea because he becomes alone and wants to have a friendship with anything. He wears 

Upset by this, Persheaon seeks to Uhlovlea for help, then he gets an idea. She has a    He’ll use the technology from the Ubekcos to 

Gigngy, Thrialum, and Giraxtig each hate their society. they think that it is unfair, repressive and corrupt. At first they think their government is fine, but soon each of them  become one of many people who oppose their corrupt and authoritarian government run by the Lijnserolps and Vefsedhues; who are both run by a big corporation. 

Gigngy’s clothes are uncomfortable. He also has a brother named Giraxtig, who works as a soldier to fight off terrorists in a long war. One time, there is a guy who starves himself to protest against for-profit healthcare and dies doing it. This starts riots, that are witnessed by Gigngy, that are later quelled by many officers.  

Although at the start of the story Gigngy likes his society, he slowly gets annoyed by all the advertisements and the overall atmosphere of his society. His devotion to government deteriorates when he slowly becomes aware of its lies and corruption. 

One time, Gigngy meets Fyhou in an alley, who he later finds out is a leader of a group. Fyhou tells Grigny a summary of his life when he was often neglected by society  thinks that it will never change and that Gigngy’s efforts to change it won't prove effective. /Your position in society, unfortunately, won’t do anything.\ Fyhou saids to Gigngy. Even if you tried to for all your life, you still won’t even make the slightest form of change. And besides, most of your kind is distracted by all the media and games each of all you possess. 

The group, later known as Suyfrinwe, ignores the government and instead each member creates art that invegarates people and distracts them from tyranny of the government. Most of its members are young but a few are very old. Those old members remember a time when society was not corrupted by greed and lies. A part of the Suyfrinwe is planning to destroy the government from the inside 

Thuyfu is a happy person. Even though he is poor because he is an immigrant  from his war-torn place and that he is a little fed up with the government, he still makes the best of his situation by practicing his beliefs. Trialum makes friends with him. Until one time, when Thuyfu is diagnosed with a disease that can kill him soon. Unfortunately, he can’t afford the medication to cure his disease. Thuyfu and Trialum are outraged by this and they start yelling and complaining that the hospital puts profits over lives. When his criticisms are ignored, Thuyfu damages property and is sent to jail for it. Later, he calms himself down and starves himself in protest and dies while doing it. This event sparks mass protests. 

Giraxtig is a soldier who fights for the right causes. So he signs up to join a war to fight against terrorists. While awaiting to be deployed, he meets Verfx, a soldier who takes great pride in his nation. Throughout the campaign, supposedly for freedom and democracy, Giraxtig slowly discovers the true cost of war as he witnessites grusume torture and violence on innocent civiliens. At first, Giraxtig goes on scouting missions with Vertfx to hunt down the locations of enemy bases. Next, Giraxtigs witnesses a group of soldiers killing innconet civilans.   

Persheaon: Frequently asks questions to himself and others, 

Gigngy: likes to know statistics and facts, prone to being brainwashed by propaganda, gets angry easily, and illustrates events in poorly drawn pictures.  

Jacnciki: Is fine when bad things happen; keeps the world in balance. Without evil, being good is pointless and boring. Without good, you will always be alone and angry when your evil

Ablutantig: Lives in the wilderness; away from his awful society. Gets high on a natural drug found in the wilderness. Whenever he gets bored, he picks at his weathered skin on his hands. 

Untitled Character: Believes in ridiculous things, like how the world is made of rocks and how the sky is filled with water. Gets panicky sometimes over difficult problems. 

Untitled Character #2: A scientist who wants other people to be responsible and live better lives.  

“Roy”: Has an empty and an aura of hollow feeling. He has no emotions, feels no pain or regret. He behaves like this because he got really depressed over the murder of his daugher. He was once a rich and wealthy man,  

Untitled character #3: an anarchist Japanese guy with a long mullet calling for revolutions around the world.  

He looked over there, and by there over here, and by here where the chair and the cup of coffee too. 

There is a machine, where it puts a participant in a simulated reality with the things he or she loves from the deepest center of his or her heart (e.g their family, relatives, friends, fictional characters, or even precious objects; either fictional or real) . The beloved things advertise products to the participant(s) and tell them to obey a certain command. The beloved things use their charisma and quirky charm to persuade the participant into buying the products. And then finally, the participant is more likely to buy the products, thanks to being advertised by the things he or she really loves. 

I Believe there are at least two different worlds that are seen through the eyes of most people. 

“I won’t let you do that!” Saids CEO. 

“I won’t let you breathe another breath on this world.” (Then shoots a CEO) 

“Deserves to be burning the deepest, hottest pits of Hell!”

“What, sorry, but your apology is too simplic for me to completely understand nor care about.”

“I’m sorry to tell you this, but those people have perfected pathos, mastered ethos, and aced Logos.”

Timeline of Events in the Story

  • Groups of people raid a rich billionaire’s mansion. 
  • The Government passed a bill that allows cops and government agencies  to prosecute suspected domestic terrorists . 
  • Cops and government agencies arrest hundreds of thousands of suspected terrorists (left-wing intellectuals). They even kill some of them. 
  • The government stereotypes these people as “ savages that are dangerous to society.” The cops even arrest normal leftists and even artists and other creative persons because the Government warns that they are savages who pretend to be normal to avoid the cops.
  • Western nations from around the world criticize the crackdown, they  demand the other government to stop. 
  •  The Government declares war on all the other nations. 
  • The government wins the war against the nations through the use of mecha-suited soldiers and atomic bombs that spread diseases and viruses when they explode. 
  • The nations are forced to surrender and give all their power and resources to The Government. 
  • The Government forces everyone to work for the Elite. 
  • Some people resist, but are killed. 
  • Artistic works that promote rebellion, resistance, and defienice are destroyed and prohibited from being made.
  • The rich get better and the poor get worse over a period of time. 
  • Humanity eventually evolves into two forms; big fat huge ones and skinny small ones. 

Dystopian future where people are forced to think critically and be responsible? 

I read 1 wikipedia article, I donate 1 dollar.

Killing Babies could be a form of coercion.  

A drug that makes you really happy, but that you can’t think critically. 

A billionaire beats up a child. Punching her in the face and kicking her in the stomach. 

Beaches of glass. 

Society goes from encouraging the individual as part of the community, to  

A forest of Cactuses. 

Corporate Protection Act - Protects Billionaires and other powerful persons of wealth from “Defamation, hatred, and disrespectfulness” by Critics.  

A Labor leader is turned into an insane man with a disability through surgery and brainwashing. 

People with no glimmer in their eyes are the worst kind of people on the planet. 

Dystopian Future with genetically modified humans. 

These are story and in-universe notes regarding a project I thought of in 2019-2020. I really moved on from it to work One World and other things. I hope you get some inspiration out of it.


Posted by HairyoGuyghast - May 29th, 2022

Shalia was still in the home, but being in a good mood too was still cleaning the house. One last stain there… yes all done. 

“Alright, I can now set on out.” She said with brisk confidence and happily went aways. For Shalia, she took a path behind the home, a trail of well managed trees and bushes, flowers too. Given she would not be late at all, Shalia took a nice simple approach of a walk, taking in the many flowers She and her partner planted. 

Long, hanging Voynas. Uyteas dotted randomly and funly through branch corners, some poking and resembling a shape of a bigger Uytea. But the Bifelas, how the Bifelas were always a placent sight to see, like Neilan to the waterfall. The lively blue, as if it were glowing in darkness. Shalia actually needed to gave a more detailed seeing, just to appease her one moment longer. 


A polite voice, still made Shalia throw herself up in surprise. Tohana. Hands clasped to behind her waist. Innocent and weak.


‘’Don’t be startled. Calm.” Tohana came over to Shalia and hugged with a squeeze. Not one with harm, but one possessing a hold that revives a person’s light fears and worries and stress. In a matter of seconds, Shalia’s feeling of unease settled away, leaving nothing besides equal respect for her sister. 

“Thank you.’’ Shalia said condolence

“Your welcome. And Yes I am your sister.” She laughed a little laugh. “I came here sooner to see you ‘cause I figured you needed someone with you on this terk you’ve taken a thousand times before.”

“Thats much to say.” Shalia commented. 

“Prehaps, we should make this a quieter journey.”

“No, let us speak.

“Of what?

“Of your “calming” exercises.”

“Those… those have been well so far. In fact, I think it is my 400th day of doing them since. Each day feels so relaxing and fresh just because of the exercises themselves.”

Yes, I know. You’ve told of that every 100 days. What of Alleus.” 

The two sisters went out of a cut through lane in the forest to the outside. This part of the outside was far more expansive than from the west entrance. Shorter people were playing, children, they were by a school. 

“Alleus? Alleus is finer than ever. Right now he’s all busy fighting with his friends. Told me once, he won in a one to three battle with these-

“Hey Suma-Tohana (a word to formally greet a woman)” This was said by a small girl whose hair had the potential to grow to half-body’s length, every hair was straight, together.

“Hello, Falela.” Tohana said sweetly. “Umm… How’s the mourning today?” 

“Really good.” 

“How? I think the mourning has just began suspect you haven’t done something interesting so far.

“No, I definitely have done something good already. I’ve found this.” And so Felela showed Tohana and Shalia a small-

“WAHHH!” Shalia screamed a short scream, but Tohana remained stood yet startled. A Rratfucnokami stretched its long, multi-jointed legs upward, they were 3 times length to its body. Antenne twice as long. 

“Hee hee. Its nice ain’t it. Caught this here Fratfuc while on our starting walk around th-

“Felela.” An older woman with a bun haircut had come over, likey it was Felela’s supervisor. “Gah, release that thing out from your hands this instant.” 

“Oh no. Gur, fine.” She reluctantly let the Rratfuc go and it went the way back into the forest. 

“Felela, do not act savagely, return to your classmates now, please.” 

“Okayyyy. Good bye, Tohana, Shalia.” And there, they left on. Shalia and Tohana waved goodbye and Falela returned the favor. 


Posted by HairyoGuyghast - May 22nd, 2022

A man was laying on a hill, seeing and listening to a flowing waterfall. This man had never gotten sick of seeing this stream fall. The shining it created, the refletions too. The part where the water gently splashed onto the surface was his very most favorite part. He knew that he himself had started at this waterfall a thousand times before. Yet never received boredom even after all those times. 

The man had his hands on abdomen. He was calmed and was much in the mood to keep like this for hours. Til there came a voice from behind.

“Neilan, good mourning!”

His spouse had arrived before him. 

Shalia! Umm… hi!” Said the man named Neilan

Neilan, don’t be like that, I knew you had to be here. Your always here on most mournings.

Neilan shrugged. “Well, just like looking at the waterfall. It’s very elegant.”

“Well come now, let's eat breakfast.”

The couple ate their meals of mushed Hape and cups of sparkling water. Each sat with bent legs on bottom, by one another. Neilan slipped the rest of his bowl.

“Neilan, don’t do that.”

What? I finish my food like that. Its fine, Shalia. 

No, I find it kind of gross and you could make a mess.” There wasn’t much seriousness in her tone. So Neilan causally repiled:

No no no, I’m steady. See my grip on it, its firm.

“Okay okay fine.”

They sat in silence for a while, Shalia was half way through her bowl when she said. “What are you going to do today?

Oh, that. I might venture back to that pile I was making yesterday. Continue building it to the top.

The pile of sticks?” Shalia deposited her bowl and utensil to larger bowl of water. 

“Yes and its at a decent size now. About my height and a head. I soon figured small animals would prefer it as shelter for when there's rain.”

“Maybe you could make it big enough for the two of us to stay in.” suggested Shalia jokingly.

“Come on, Shalia. I’m no architect.” Neilan got up. “There I’m done now.” He set the bowl on upon the table. So, what’ll we do now, love?”

    “I think out around and through the trail. Though I must go see Tohana. She’s wanting to bring me stitching again.”


    “Don’t worry, I am fine with it, Neilan.”

    “You sure? Maybe convince her to-

    “No no, I’m alright.” She seemed to suppress a breath.

Neilan, not wanting very much to bother Shalia, said: “okay. I’m gonna head out now.

Good bye.”

    “You too.”

    They hugged and Neilan gave a departing kiss on Shalia’s cheek. 

Stepping on the smooth stone that had been trended upon hundreds of times before, Neilan eventually saw other people of his own kind and then the great wide outside that laid beyond.

Groups of several Tatuyas working, playing, doing whatever seemed what they liked to do. Now, Neilan. very much liked seeing this scene, these scenes. It really showed the diversity of his and Shalia’s home, Fela. He loved it, loved seeing it everyday, almost like the waterfall.

But now was not the time to be gazing at others activities. He needed to get to that-

“Affa! Come back!” A boy running from there to Neilan shouting, calling for his juvenile Cyel to return to him. The Cyel, from the last parts of it Neilan could see, appeared to have a thing in its mouth, the boy beginning to keep pace with it. Neilan got back to heading for the destination.

“Strange” thought Neilan while turning up another slump side. “That Cyel looked more wild than the ones I’ve ever seen.

Cyels are a rare kind of animal in Fela. They are one of the precious animalia, the most Desired animalia that could be found. Precious Animalia are chairished in art and play characters in stories. 

And now, Neilan was in a denser part of the forest, where vines laid, hanging with moss, untouched. Small saplings stood firm with great intent to become like the bigger trees amongst them. The air he was breathing was fresher and entered the lungs of Neilan with ease. Further still into this forest, trees became slightly more dense with each passing mile. Dark green now surrounded Neilan, but used to it like running up a small hill. 

Soon the only source of dim light here was from man-made patches of punched off flageage, necessary. He was almost there. 

 “Hey You.”

    Neilan spun around to the right, a pair of two children were drawing on a rock, an old rock.


“Supa (a word to speak to a man you don’t know), what are you doing here?”

“Why are you here, with your friend. Why did you call me?”

This child then began attempting, thinking, of some kind of excuse for his action. “We-I saw you coming Supa and I’m wondering, Why is someone this deep in the forest? And thus I called you over. I knew you would find us eventually, assuming the expected.” 

“But what are you doing?” Neilan came over, right, to see their unknown activity. But the other boy had covered the doing. 

“Suna, (Used to speak to a child you don’t know) move over now, please.” 

Not wanting to accumulate more guilt, the boy stepped aside. Behind him, drawings in clear blue and white gel paint. Neilan felt upsetness fill inside him. For this was one of the olden Rocks from the past. 

“You two! This is a olden rock!”

“IT is!” Freener, do you-” 

NO NOOO. Supa, I’m really sorry. Please forgive us for my terrible actions. 

“I’m sorry! Too!”

Neilan was still stern but understood the boy’s worries and pleas for forgiveness, it was just an accident. 

“I do forgive you both. But next time, examine the kind of stone it is before writing upon it, okay! 

“Yes, Supa!”

And make sure to call a cleansman to rid of this stain, alright!”

They appeared not to listen, still running towards lighter sights. Neilan reached down to see further more of these two’s vandalism. The names of Freener and Alosuex in bold visible gel glowed in this sort of darkness. 

The damage doesn’t appear to be severe. Oh well, I must go anyways, my pile is waiting…

He was finally here, the stick pile. The stick pile was dull. The area rounding it had no such trees in a 30 foot diameter. Some sticks stuck like spears, upward and sideways, hazardous, even the Yachis wouldn’t be able to land here. 

Shuffle here. Shuffle there. Careful… now it was safe. Neilan stepped aside to take in another full view. Plants, that were secreting oil, no, lotion. 


Wide and short, blooms of orange and brightest yellow.


And, lastly, there with whiteness so great, growing onto sticks decaying.


“Ugh, no.” Neilan had distress and stress growing inside of him. The sticks were infected and, for if he were to touch it, poisonous. Make his whole finger rushen up and puss would form and travel to his veins. Amputation would be required. This Tobarathfac needed to go, a stick would do the trick.


Posted by HairyoGuyghast - March 23rd, 2022

It was saturday. Another work day. An alarm clock sounded, beeping. A man refused to get up from his half-sleep in his one blanket bed, stretching the blanket over his body again, feet still exposed. The beeping continued for a minute until the man gave up his resistance and got out of bed, turning the alarm off. 

He got on the shirt, the pants, the underwear, all of which he had been using for the last three days. He also had not showered in that same time. 

The man stumbled slightly to his semi functional refrigerator, there he grabbed a sugar filled donut, the last one. He ate it with displeasure, the after taste like plastic. The another item, a “sports” drink, would replace plastic with sour chemical, it was still better. 

His whole room sucked. A rusty sink, didn’t work. The space dimmy illuminated by a hanging, dangling light bulb. His bed, blanket, clothes smelled of weeks old sweat. The walls of faint mold. He has been occupied here for 4 years, used to it for 3. Still brought a bad feeling of disappointment and a little sadness.

But Now, to work. On with the coat, out of the room, onto the bike. This man’s bike, oh he loved it, like a human friend and the thing he had best in shape. Sure the tires needed a pumping and the handle a little too loose for safety. Yet this was still both the fastest and the funnest way to work. 

The flashlight badge on the rear brought a Path of light that revealed awfully familiar sights of hills of unbagged trash on both the road and other sidewalk, Ruined, ancient like buildings, and a few filthy hobos sleeping and roar snoring. 

Not to mention the smogly air that filled his lungs and released from his coughin mouth. void darkness that made every pitch black 20 feet away from east, west and south. But at least it seemed that the sun was finally making the sky dark blue. The death striking cold came upon the guy like a razor. 

He had always hated this winter weather since he could remember. “Damn this cold! damn this weather. He muttered loudly. Damn it damn it…”

On… and on… and on… the sun now hung low amongst a grey and blue tattered sky. The towering towers were now all around him, their height slightly overwhelming him, oh how big they are up close. Then, oh no, the ads. 

He could already hear the announcements to buy the new brand of soda, another about candy, oh and a third about the “super duper” soft couch. Bright big billboards of equal annoyance were displayed on every possible space of the buildings. Their screaming voices overlapping one another but still each one made sense clearly. 

Just get there, just get there, there there. Only the destination, fuck the journey. Took a turn to the left, away from the voices. Almost there now. Yes yes. He parked his bike, put a lock and key around the nearest rack and headed inside .

“KERK!” A man shouted. His boss, his name. “Your late again, asshole” 

“Sorry sorry please I won’t next time.” 

“Fuck you won’t, next your god damn fired.

The boss seemingly pulled Kerk by the arm. Guiding him through gray chamber cubicles. Peaks revealed hunched over men, women, typing whatever they were writing like their robotic arms, klacking hands were almost paralyzed with agony. Kerk was pushed in his cubicle, #283.

“Get to work, slow ass” demanded the big boss, walked away grumpily.

Now for the actual work. God he hated it. But, after a short deep breath, began klacking on the keyboard. 

Confined to a solid and cold metal chair for 12 hours, a 8 am/pm strict schedule. Held like a tiger, a monkey in a cage. No spectators, only the wall watches. What is the job? Create instructions for buildings. Type the coordinates. Line out the measurements, On to the next, repeat. Such an awful thing. Been doing this as long as living in that shity apartment. Only hated doing this as much as the first day. 

And so the time droned on. Itch nail bite Type type nail bite make the occasional mistake, retype Itch. 1 hour. Type mistake nail bite retype. 2 hours. Mistake mistake double retype. 3 hours. Finally lunchtime. He stretched like dough that had been squished, compressed, suppressed, rebel. 

“Fuck this, get out of cycle.” To himself. “Break free from this slavery, all of you” To the ones amongst him. None listened. Too bad he had not enough courage to break free again. For Kerk was punished by the consequences. No wonderland to go to. Starved of both food and water. Nearly died til he stepped back in line again. He thought of those things again in his head as ate “Nacho Cheese chips,” their flavor as fleeting as the free break. 

Back to the chair for the remaining 8 hours. Type occasional mistake type mistake type mistake type mistake double mistake. 

“Ahh” he short shouted. Some might have stopped for a brief look, a guess and wonder who said that. No, only one middle-class supervisor responded with “quiet.” Kerk glumly returned to duty. 4 hours, 5 hours, 6 hours, 7 hours. He stopped, tense with regret, skin felt stretched. 

“No more of this please” I-we are better than this. Get out-

“Quiet Mr. Damnington!” Yelled the supervisor with unbearable anger.

The command had enough strike in seriousness to put Kerk down, down and back to the burden known as this labor. 8 hours, 9 hours, 10 hours, 11 hours, 12 hours. Kerk sat with still exhaustion. Another day was finally done. Like going up and down the most boring mountain imaginable, a lot of time and energy for nothing. 

Full of a day’s hollowness, Kerk depressingly walked to collect his wage money from one of the supervisors. There it- 


“That’s for your intolerance earlier Mr. Damnington. Here”

Now there it was, 50 bucks. Out to the dark unseeable open, again. The bike was still there. He unchained it and rode, rode on. The light smokey breeze hit his head, wisped by ears. popped. The front tire burst with small explode, almost throwing Kerk off. 

“No no no no NOOOO. “He cried with deep sorrow. He stopped and inspected the tire. indeed it had a great wide slash by a random glass shard from a beer bottle. Damn this litter. Kerk had been with this bike for years, since he was seven. And now, it was unusable for good; course people around here are too dumb to fix it. So, like carrying a coffin to its grave, Kerk supported the bike all the way back to his home.

Once there, he set the bike to its proper place then headed and sat on his bed. Why had the world been cruel, not for him, but everyone and him. The parts of the whole answer came floating back into his head, as he tried falling asleep on his bumpy mattress.


Posted by HairyoGuyghast - February 28th, 2022

I am making a story called One World. Kind of like Medieval Cyberpunk. Just need some help from others developing it. Quite ambitious.


Posted by HairyoGuyghast - February 27th, 2022

Hole in my stomach, filled anxiety, makes no sense.

seen some wicked, heard some loud things, worry, scared

society is going to collapse, not support all the people, 8 billion

Try to save it, hundreds of millions die anyways


Nothing to do but tell you this.


Posted by HairyoGuyghast - February 24th, 2022

I barely caught 

The dark dot 

Of the precious thought

That I sought 

bravely fought 

And bought 

With the snot 

from a guy who would not 

Take a shot 

At a very hot 

Boiling pot


Posted by HairyoGuyghast - February 20th, 2022

Oh war is terrible. Both for man and earth, earth is harmed, man is killed. No more war now and never. We must not acknowledge the million peoples that will be killed, innocent, harmless. The state and country population is lumped together as the enemy. This must stop now. We must Put down out weapons, get rid of them, and live in worldwide peace among us all.


Posted by HairyoGuyghast - February 19th, 2022

Wall, you with your grayness, the dirty stains of age are to make you seem old of a 1000 years. Yes, like a tower, built by craftsmen of proporious minds. But no, you are not. You are only some 50 years old, you’re looks lie and thats makes mad, sad, and have a little feeling of disappointment. 

I know others will come here thinking when they first see you: Wow, wow, what a stupendous old thing, must have seen some rough times over the last, say, ~700 years since its standing” and such similar sayings.

Wall, you must be punished severely for this. Merely your standing here will cause thousands in the future to falsely assert you to a kind of ancient god, like Zeus or Bastet. You want that feverious attention, wall, I know you do. I alone won’t allow it at all. So go wall go. Get yourself up from out of the ground and go where all the goldfinches live, in the heaven of nonexistence. I make no sense to anger you, wall. I know, Wall, that you hate fantastical scenarios such as that, but you must know… I hate you. Oh hear that over there… my mother is calling… needs help to open the frying door to the treats. Best I go now then later, good bye.


Posted by HairyoGuyghast - February 16th, 2022

This whole world is dooomed. Climate, pandemic, hunger, inequality. none of our leaders will do anything big and no one seems to care.

What am I to do in this damned world. Schools making me more and more tires every day. Exhausted. Days are getting shorter.

What am I to do. Not used to talking to people about my issues that they won’t care to understand. Share them online, almost no reaction from anyone.
